Coming Soon - detailed information about the company and its products, and, most importantly, how to contact our store with queries. You will hear our story from the heart and learn a little more about us. We want to build a relationship on trust and reassure our customers that they can buy with confidence!
Our user’s privacy is of the highest importance to 111 LASH. When registering or subscribing to our site, we collect personal information. Personal information is also collected for product orders, surveys, contests and giveaways. You also have the option to visit our site anonymously. Your name, mailing address, email address, and/or a form of payment may be required information obtained by 111 LASH.
Your personal information is always securely protected. It will never be sold, exchanged, or transferred to any other company for any reason, at any time. Such information will only be used in delivering the desired purchased product(s). The sole purpose of obtaining such personal information is to only benefit you. The information 111 LASH gathers from you helps us personalize and improve your shopping experience. Data is also collected through a third-party, authenticated financial institution to only verify the payment of your desired purchased product(s). You will also be contacted after your purchase was completed successfully, and for any updates pertaining to your order.
We are here to not only gain your trust, but to maintain it for a lifetime!